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Flavors - Complex & aromatic, tropical, stone fruits, single cream


Process - Natural - Co-fermented with locally sourced Sipi honey


Roast Level - Medium


Varietal - SL28, SL34


Altitude - 1900m-2100m


Notes - This coffee is suitable for all brew methods best for Filter or Pour Over. Roasted  medium.




This special co-fermented natural lot is processed using locally sourced honey in the fermentation vessel. The sugars in the honey serve as microbial food to augment the fermentation process and, in a poetic twist, the bees which make this honey source their nectar from coffee tree flowers. These farmers supply our long time partners in the region Zukuka Bora Coffee Company. The purchase price of this coffee includes a dedicated premium used to fund social projects in the community. 


The Zukuka Bora Coffee project was set up to support the people of Mt Elgon in many different ways. While coffee farmers are at the heart of the project, the profits from the project are also used to support their partner NGO: JENGA Community Development. JENGA have been working in the Mt Elgon area for almost 20 years, and had laid much of the groundwork for Zukuka Bora to build relationships with farmers and their communities. JENGA operate a range of projects - including education sponsorship, clean water schemes, savings groups, health promotion and training, and wider farming support.


The Sipi Falls microregion has long held a reputation for producing some of Uganda's best quality coffees. A combination of high altitudes and generational farming experience are contributing factors which have allowed Sipi coffees to build international recognition.

Uganda - Sipi Falls - Honey Infused

PriceFrom £8.25


    Roasted to order in Teesside.


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